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Full-grown Salmon seen in Mill Valley Creek AND North Bridge kids plant natives near Outdoor Art Club!


A post on nextdoor has photos and videos of a full-sized salmon in one of our creeks.

North Bridge Academy students planting in the Corte Madera de Presidio creek.

With the help of their teachers Christian and Jamie, the students planted two monkey flowers, a coffeeberry, a red bud and a spice plant. They'll add a buckeye tree soon too.

The site is next to Throckmorton Avenue between the OAC and the flower shop near Mill Valley Market.

This is another example of habitat restoration: by decreasing the near mono-culture of English ivy and adding native plants, the students are adding to the creek's biodiversity, which will help attract new insects and pollinators. The plants will also add stability to the creek bank.

Volunteers from Mill Valley StreamKeepers helped prepare the site by removing weeds and clearing away English Ivy. MVSK also purchased the plants from a recent California Native Plant Society of Marin plant sale.

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